Monte Cristo Waffle Sandwich
Prep Time | 10 Minutes
Cook Time | 15-20 Minutes
Servings | 6
Saute the onion until translucent. Add the beef and cook until the beef is browned. Drain and set aside.
Place chopped zucchini and squash in non stick pan with a splash of oil and saute on medium for a couple minutes until all the water has evaporated out of them. This is called sweating the veggies. Combine sweated veggies with meat and set aside.
In empty pan mix together all the ingredients for the sauce and stir slowly over medium low heat until fully combined and the sauce thickens. Pour sauce over meat and veggie combo and let sit on low heat for 30 minutes to an hour. For better flavor put meat and sauce mixture into your slow cooker for 3-4 hours, this allows the meat and veggies to absorb all the awesome sauce.
About 20 minutes before dinner time, preheat the oven to 400F and bake Cheese Bread according to instructions on the bag. Let cool for a few minutes, then slice in half and add sloppy joe mixture. Serve immediately! Enjoy!
Prep Time | 10 Minutes
Cook Time | 15-20 Minutes
Servings | 6
Prep Time | 10 Minutes
Cook Time | 15-20 Minutes
Servings | 6
Prep Time | 5 Minutes
Cook Time | 20 Minutes
Servings | 6